2nd Filial Heart Three-Generation Families Award Ceremony

新聞稿 Press Release 於4/1美國全球和平華人聯合會與紐約華僑學校聯合假紐約唐人街的中山纪念堂(中華公所)舉辦孝情三代同堂家庭表揚大會,旨在推廣家庭價值及孝道文化,表揚孝情和樂的家庭,宣揚中華傳統“百善孝為先”的高尚美德。 美國華人會會長Amy Yang 見證自己的祖父和父親,因為祖父為公的精神,並且父母對祖父母的孝順,讓他得以繼承,因此今天能夠站在此位置。 華僑學校校長王憲筠表示,紐約華僑學校宗旨為傳承中華文化及語言,藉此活動,除宣揚中華文化外,也希望唤起社会對家庭教育的重视。 本次活動,共有11個家庭得到孝情三代同堂的水晶獎座,此獎座由華人會所頒發。得獎者不乏三代同堂、四代同堂,和跨文化、超國家,基督信仰的家庭。也不乏犧牲時間照顧生病父母,和子女傳承上一代的精神,教育下一代的感人故事。得獎者各個展現孝情的典範。富邦基金會創辦人傅先清主席的兒子傅維明的家庭為其中一組得獎者。傅先清主席代表領獎和致詞,鼓勵大家傳承祖先們留下的感恩的話語,並傳播三代同堂的精神。 而本次活動中,僑校也頒發優秀青年義工獎給義工學生和老師,感謝他們對於紐約華僑學校的努力及貢獻。 此次的活動,紐約市議會第一區議員Christopher Marte 前來致詞,表達我們持續要傳承美好的傳統,而使我們的城市更偉大。此外,演講者還包含華人會國際會長黃燁周教授、家庭聯合會北美大陸會長龍鄭植博士、亞太裔公共事務聯盟紐約分會主席于金山、奈及利亞前外交官U. Joy Ogwu大使,和紐約恩惠教會趙主亮牧師。他們表達孝情對個人和社會的影響,並就個人經驗分享如何在生活中實踐孝道。 此大會也穿插表演活動。包含來自聯成曼哈頓歌舞團帶來的「精忠報國響扇舞」,以及紐約華僑學校帶來的兩個各由學齡前兒童和四年級學生帶來的表演:「爸爸媽媽謝謝您」及「孩子的天空」,展現中華文化之美。另外還有統一武道團帶來的武術表演。和Amy Yang 會長全家一起參與,她的公子楊孝義主持整個節目及夫婿Andrew Miyamoto 帶來的和平之歌,讓大會更加精采。 大會現場約略300人參與,搭配全球線上直播,也是首次美國華人會和紐約華僑學校合辦的活動,格外深具意義。 欲觀看節目重播,請上此網址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYdYuo3VqPg On 4/1, Chinese People's Federation for World Peace - USA (CPFWP-USA) and New York Chinese School jointly held a Filial Piety Three-Generation Family Award Ceremony at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (Zhonghua … Continue reading 2nd Filial Heart Three-Generation Families Award Ceremony

One Thousand People Rally for Three-Generation Families of Filial Piety

On October 23rd, 2021, CPFWP-USA held a One Thousand People Rally honoring Three-Generation Families of Filial Piety. The purpose of the event is to honor families who have “three generations (三代同堂)“ of demonstrating exemplary filial piety and harmonious relationships with their parents and grandparents. Meanwhile, we celebrated the third anniversary and the second anniversary of … Continue reading One Thousand People Rally for Three-Generation Families of Filial Piety

3rd Filial Piety Festival and Award Ceremony

On June 26th, 2021, CPFWP-USA held its 3rd Filial Piety Festival and Award Ceremony. We had 60 people participating in-person and 100 people participating online from US, Canada, Taiwan, Japan and Korea. The event consisted of the two parts: the filial piety festival and award ceremony for the Writing & Artwork Contest.  The contest started … Continue reading 3rd Filial Piety Festival and Award Ceremony

Chinese American Online Holy Community Launching Ceremony

On 3/30/2021, around 53 people celebrated the launch of the Chinese American Holy Community on Zoom. Mrs. Amy Yang, President of CPFWP-USA, offered the welcoming remarks and introduced VIPs. Some members also gave their testimonies.  Then, Dr. Chung Sik Yong offered a keynote speech, explaining the meaning of the holy community. He wished for us … Continue reading Chinese American Online Holy Community Launching Ceremony