About Us

Mission Statement

To build healthy family relationships by promoting and sharing with various communities in the USA, the wisdom virtues of Chinese tradition in ethics and morals that entail filial piety, which form the basis of all human relations, universal love and peace.

CPFWP – USA Vision and Activities

  1. Create a culture of peace with Chinese traditions
    1. Filial Piety Forum and Award Ceremonies
    2. Re-dedication of Marriage Ceremonies
    3. Happy Family Events
  2. Educate the Next Generation
    1. Youth Ambassador Programs
    2. Youth Events
  3. VIP Seminars at the International Peace Education Center in Las Vegas
    • Gathering of International Guests
  4. Online Events
    1. Morning Devotion from 50 states
    2. Weekly Meetings

If you would like to contact us, please email us at info@cpfwpusa.org.