2nd Filial Heart Three-Generation Families Award Ceremony

新聞稿 Press Release


美國華人會會長Amy Yang 見證自己的祖父和父親,因為祖父為公的精神,並且父母對祖父母的孝順,讓他得以繼承,因此今天能夠站在此位置。




此次的活動,紐約市議會第一區議員Christopher Marte 前來致詞,表達我們持續要傳承美好的傳統,而使我們的城市更偉大。此外,演講者還包含華人會國際會長黃燁周教授、家庭聯合會北美大陸會長龍鄭植博士、亞太裔公共事務聯盟紐約分會主席于金山、奈及利亞前外交官U. Joy Ogwu大使,和紐約恩惠教會趙主亮牧師。他們表達孝情對個人和社會的影響,並就個人經驗分享如何在生活中實踐孝道。

此大會也穿插表演活動。包含來自聯成曼哈頓歌舞團帶來的「精忠報國響扇舞」,以及紐約華僑學校帶來的兩個各由學齡前兒童和四年級學生帶來的表演:「爸爸媽媽謝謝您」及「孩子的天空」,展現中華文化之美。另外還有統一武道團帶來的武術表演。和Amy Yang 會長全家一起參與,她的公子楊孝義主持整個節目及夫婿Andrew Miyamoto 帶來的和平之歌,讓大會更加精采。


欲觀看節目重播,請上此網址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYdYuo3VqPg

On 4/1, Chinese People’s Federation for World Peace – USA (CPFWP-USA) and New York Chinese School jointly held a Filial Piety Three-Generation Family Award Ceremony at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (Zhonghua Public Office) in Chinatown, New York, aiming to promote family values ​​and filial piety culture, and to praise filial piety and happiness in the family, to promote the noble virtues of the traditional Chinese “filial piety first”.

Amy Yang, the president of CPFWP-USA, witnessed about his grandfather and father. Because of the spirit of her grandfather and the filial piety of her parents to her grandparents, she was able to inherit this, so she can stand in this position today.

Wang Xianyun, the principal of New York Chinese School, said that the purpose of New York Chinese School is to inherit Chinese culture and language. Through this event, in addition to promoting Chinese culture, it also hopes to stimulate the society’s attention to family education.

In this event, a total of 11 families received the crystal trophy for three generations of filial piety, which was awarded by CPFWP-USA. The winners include three-generation, four-generation, cross-cultural, supra-national, and Christian families. There were also touching stories of sacrificing time to take care of sick parents, passing on the spirit of the previous generation with their children, and educating the next generation. The awardees each exemplify filial piety. The family of Fu Weiming, the son of Chairman Fu Xianqing, the founder of the Fu Foundation, is one of the awardees. On behalf of Chairman Fu Xianqing, he received the award and delivered a speech, encouraging everyone to pass on the words of gratitude left by the ancestors and spread the spirit of three generations living under one roof.

In this event, New York Chinese School also presented outstanding young volunteer awards to volunteer students and teachers, thanking them for their efforts and contributions to New York Chinese School in New York.

At this event, Christopher Marte, member of the first district of the New York City Council, came to deliver a speech, expressing that we will continue to inherit the beautiful traditions and make our city greater. In addition, the speakers also included Professor Thomas Huang, President of CPFWP-International, Dr. Chung Sik Yong, President of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification – North America, Yu Jinshan, Chairman of the New York Branch of the Asian Pacific American Public Affairs Alliance, Ambassador U. Joy Ogwu, a former Nigerian diplomat, and New York Pastor Zhuliang Zhao of Winfield Reformed Church. They expressed the impact of filial piety on individuals and society, and shared their personal experience on how to practice filial piety in life.

The conference was also interspersed with performances, including the “Loyalty to Serve the Country Fan Dance” by the Liancheng Manhattan Song and Dance Troupe, and two performances by preschoolers and fourth graders from the New York Chinese School: “Mom and Dad Thank You” and “Children The Sky”, showing the beauty of Chinese culture. In addition, there were martial arts performances brought by the Unified Martial Arts Troupe. Participating with the whole family of President Amy Yang, her son Takayoshi Miyamoto presided over the whole program and the song of peace was brought by her husband Andrew Miyamoto and made the conference even more exciting.

About 300 people participated in the conference. With the global online live broadcast, it was also the first event jointly organized by CPFWP-USA and the New York Chinese School, which was particularly meaningful.

To watch the replay of the show, please go to this URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYdYuo3VqPg

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Venue: the heart of Manhattan Chinatown (Dr. Sun Yet Sun Memorial Auditorium)

Offering the appreciation certificate to Principal Wang after both speeches:

Prof. Thomas Hwang, international president of CPFWP 

New York City Council member: Hon. Christopher Marte

Dr. Chung Sik Yong, Regional president of FFWPU-North America 

Presenting the crystal awards & certificate to awardees for 1st group

All awardees and VIPs

The representative of all awardees gave an appreciation remark: Chairman Fu couple

Amb. Prof. U. Joy Ogwu

Chairman Justin Yu

Mr. Barry Geller: introducing “Ambassador for Peace”

Rev. Dr. Peter Chao

Dance performance 

Most lovely performance 

Excellent Martial Art

Let there be peace on Earth : Trumpet performance

Filial Heart Blessing Cheers

Group photo